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Sunday, September 30, 2012

MACHAGE: Kalonzo for President.

Kuria MP Hon Dr. Wilfred Gisuka Machage on Saturday endorsed Kenya's VP Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka for the State House top seat.
In a campaign tour in Kuria by Kalonzo Saturday, Machage said the VP is well placed to unite the country that has been divided on political and tribal affiliations.
In the campaigns, Machage led a group of leaders from the Kuria community among them former MP Sharack Rogers Mwita Manga, Wiper party branch chair Maisori Marwa.
Kalonzo was further named Chacha by Kehancha Mayor Tobias Werema. Chacha is a common name with the Kuria community and more especially given to first-born sons.
The Mayor said, "We call you Chacha today because you'll soon be the first in this country's leadership when the President whom you deputize retires."
Kalonzo toured Kehancha, Kegonga, Ntimaru, Masaba centers among other areas in the region.

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